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Contoh Soal Biologi dan Jawabannya
Contoh Soal Biologi dan Jawabannya
1. Siapakah nama penemu virus ?
Dimitri Ivanowski
dan Martinus W. Beijerinck
2. Sebutkan bentuk-bentuk virus !
v bulat
v batang
v berbentuk seperti huruf T
3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan sel inang ?
Sel inang adalah Sel
organisme yang digunakan sebagai tempat tinggal virus
4. Sebutkan bagian-bagian virus (yang berbentuk seperti huruf T)
A)kepala virus
D)selubung ekor
E)lempengan dasar
F)serabut ekor
5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan proses reproduksi virus !
A) Tahap pendekatan
- Adalah saat pertikel virus melekat
paada sel inang yang diinfeksi
B) Tahap penetrasi
- Adalah tahap virus (materi genetik)
masuk ke dalam sitoplasma sel inang
C) Tahap replikasi dan sintesis
- Adalah tahap terjadinya perbanyakan
partikel virus di dalam sel inang
D) Tahap pematangan
- Adalah tahap penyusunan asam
nukleut dab protein virus menjadi pertikel virus yang utuh
E) Tahap pelepasan
- Adalah tahap partikel virus keluar
dari sel inang dengan memecahkan sel inang
6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan pengertian virus
bakteri ?
Virus bakteri adalah virus yang sel inangnya adalah sel bakteri
7. Jelaskan manfaat virus dalam bidang
rekayasa genetika dan berikan contohnya?
Jawab: Virus berperan penting dalam
bidang rekayasa genetika karena dapat digunakan untuk kloning gen (produksi DNA
yang secara genetis identik). Contoh: virus yang membawa gen untuk
mengendalikan pertumbuhan serangga. Virus juga digunakan untuk terapi
genmanusia yang diharapkan.
8. sebutkan 4 akibat yang ditimbulkan
Rabies virus pada monyet, kucing, dan juga manusia?
v Gelisah
v takut air
v hilangnya kontrol otot
v agresif
9. Jelaskan pengertian vaksin?
Vaksin adalah suatu zat yang mengandung
mikroorganisme patogen yang sudah dilemahkan.
10. Sebutkan 3 contoh vaksin yang anda
OPV (oral Polio Vaccine) vaksin polio
Vaksin rabies
Vaksin cacar
1. Sebutkan pengertian bakteri menurut :
Etimologinya B)
Secara umum (luas)
A) bakteri berasal dari bahasa yunani
yang berarti batang kecil
b) Bakteri merupakan organisme yang
paling banyak jumlahnya dan tersebar luas dibandingkan makhluk hidup lainnya
Sebutkan bentuk-bentuk dari sel bakteri !
a) kokus (bulat) d)kokobasil (antara kokus dengan basil)
b) basil (batang) e)Filamen
c) spirila (spiral)
sebutkan dan jelaskan jenis-jenis bakteri kokus !
v Monokokus : sel bakteri kokus
v Diplokokus : dua buah sel
kokus yang saling berdempetan
v Tetrakokus : 4 buah sel
bakteri yang saling berdempetan
v Sarkina : 8 buah sel bakteri
yang saling berdempetan yang membentuk kubus
v Streptokokus : bakteri kokus
yang terdiri lebih dari 4 sel yang membentuk rantai
v Stafilokokus : bakteri kokus
yang terdiri lebih dari 4 sel yang saling berdempetan membentuk seperti buah
Sebutkan struktur sel beserta fungsinya !
-Kapsul : sebagai alat pertahanan
-Flagela : sebagai alat gerak
- Dinding sel : sebagai pelindung dan
pemberi bentuk bakteri
-Membran sel : mengatur pertukaran
zat anatar sel dengan lingkungannya
-Mesosom : sebagai pabrik energi
-Lembar fotosintetik : untuk
-Sitoplasma : sebagai tempat
berlangsungnya reaksi metabolik
-DNA : sebagai pengontrol sintesis
protein dan pembawa sifat
-Plasmit : sebagai pembawa Gen
-Ribosom : sebagai tempat sintesis
-Endosfora : sebagai alat
perlindungan diri
Sebutkan jenis-jenis bakteri berdasarkan cara memperoleh
-Bakteri Heterotrof:
bakteri yang makanannya berupa senyawa organik dari organisme lain
-Bakteri Saprofit:
bakteri yang memperoleh makanannya dari sisa-sisa organisme atau produk
organisme lain
-Bakteri Parasit
: bakteri yang memperoleh makanannya dari inangnya
-Bakteri Autotrof
: bakteri yang mampu membuat makanannya sendiri
-Bakteri Fotoautotrof
: bakteri yang menggunakan energi cahaya matahari untuk membuat makanan
-Bakteri Kemoautotrof : bakteri
yang menggunakan energi kimia untuk mensintesis makanannya
6. Klasifikasi dikelompokkan menjadi lima
filum. Sebutkan !
v Proteobacteria
v Cyanobacteria
v Spirochetes
v Chlamydias
v Gram positif
7. sebutkan dan jelaskan pengertian konjugasi
Konjugasi adalah pemindahan materi
genetik secara lansung melalui kontak sel dengan membentuk struktur seperti
jembatan antara dua sel bakteri yang berdekatan.
8.sebutkan klasifikasi Eubacteria
Klasifikasi Eubacteria yaitu:
v Proteobacteria
v Cyanobacteria
v Spirochetes
v Chlamydias
v Bakteri gram positif
9.Mengapa Archaebacteria di
kelompokkan sebagai kingdom yang
terpisah dari Eubacteria
Karena Archaebacteria memiliki susunan,
struktur , metabolisme, dan urutan asam nukleat yang berbeda dengan eubacteria
10. jelaskan pengertian imunisasi
kemudian beri contoh
Imunisasi adalah upaya untuk memperoleh kekebalan
terhadap penyakit yang di sebabkan oleh mikroorganisme
Contoh :
v Vaksin kolera untuk mencegah penyakit kolera
v Vaksin tifus untuk mencegah penyakit tifus
v Vaksin BCG untuk mencegah penyakit TBC
v Vaksin DPT (Tiphteria , Tertusis, Tetanus) untuk mencegah difteri,
pertusis/batuk, dan tetanus
Apa yang dimaksud dengan protista ?
protista adalah kelompok organisme
yang memiliki struktur sel eukariotik, uniseluler maupun multiseluler, dan
tidak memiliki jaringan yang sebenarnya
Sebutkan jenis-jenis protista !
1) Protista yang menyerupai hewan
2) Protista yang menyerupai tumbuhan
3) Protista yang menyerupai jamur
Sebutkan ciri-ciri protista yang menyerupai hewan (Protozoa)
è 1) Protozoa berukuran
mikroskopik yaitu 3-1000 nanometer
2) Protozoa bersifat Uniseluler atau
bersel satu
3) Hidup secara parasit atau saprofit
(mengambil sisa makanan makhluk hidup yang bersifat organik)
4) Berproduksi secara vegetatif
dengan membelah diri dan generatif dengan pembentukan spora
5) Protozoa membentuk kista ketika
berada di lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan
6) Respirasi dengan difusi pada
seluruh permukaan tubuhnya
Sebutkan jenis-jenis protozoa berdasarkan alat geraknya
beserta contohnya !
1) Rhizopoda (kaki semu), contoh: Amoeba
2) Flagellata (bulu cambuk), contoh: Euglena
3) Ciliata (bulu getar), contoh: Paramecium
4) Sprozoa (tidak memiliki alat gerak), contoh:
Sebutkan jenis-jenis protista yang merugikan bagi manusia !
1) Entamoeba histolytica penyebab
2) Trypanosoma brucei penyebab
penyakit tidur di Afrika
3) Tryponosoma evansi penyebab
penyakit pada hewan ternak
4) Leishmania penyebab
penyakit kala asar
5) Trichomonas vaginalis parasit
pada kelamin wanita dan saluran kelamin pria
6) Balantidium coli penyebab
7) Toxoplasma gondii penyebab
8) Plasmodium penyebab
penyakit malaria
6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan pengertianganggang
Ganggang adalah organisme eukariotik
uniseluler dan multiseluler yang mengandung klorofil.
7. Sebutkan 4 macam plasmodium
v Plasmodium vivax
v Plasmodium flaciparum
v Plasmodium malariae
v Plasmodium ovale
8.Sebutkan 6 ciri-ciri protista
v Protozoa berukuran mikroskopik yaitu 3-1000 Nm
v Uniseluler atau bersel satu
v Hidup secara parasit (mengambil sisa-sisa makanan mahluk hisup yang
bersifat organik)
v Bereproduksi secara vegetatis dengan membelah diri dan generatis
dengan pembentukan spora
v Pada lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan protozoa membentuk kista
v Respirasi dengan difusi pada seluruh permukaan tubuhnya
9.Sebutkan 3 ciri-ciri protista yang menyerupai tumbuhan
v Memiliki klorofil
v Hidup secara autorof pada habitat berair maupun mengandung air
v Bereproduksi secara seksual dengan penyatuan gamet jantan dan gamet
betina secara aseksual dengan pembelahan biner,fragmentasi dan pembentukan
v Memiliki ukuran 25 Nm – 5m
10. sebutkan macam-macam klasifikasi
ganggang atau alga
v Euglenoid (euglenophyta)
v Ganggang keemasan (chrysophtya)
v Ganggang api (pyrophyta)
v Ganggang hijau (chrophyta)
v Ganggang coklat (phaeophyta)
v Ganggang merah (rhodophyta)
Sebutkan ciri-ciri jamur !
- Mempunyal membran Intl (eukariot
- Jamur bersel banyak (multiseluler)
terdiri atas benang-benang halus yang disebut hifa.
- Cabang dari hifa (benang-benang halu) disebut dengan miselium yang berfungsi menyerap makanan dan substratnya.
- Bersifat saprofit dan parasit.
- Berkembang biak secara aseksual dan seksual.
- Perkembangbiakan secara aseksual dilakukan oleh jamur yang bersel tunggal (uniseluler), yaitu dengan pertunasan dan pemutusan hifa (fragmentasi).
- Perkembangbiakan secara seksual dilakukan dengan membentuk askus spora.
- Cabang dari hifa (benang-benang halu) disebut dengan miselium yang berfungsi menyerap makanan dan substratnya.
- Bersifat saprofit dan parasit.
- Berkembang biak secara aseksual dan seksual.
- Perkembangbiakan secara aseksual dilakukan oleh jamur yang bersel tunggal (uniseluler), yaitu dengan pertunasan dan pemutusan hifa (fragmentasi).
- Perkembangbiakan secara seksual dilakukan dengan membentuk askus spora.
Sebutkan cara-cara hidup jamur !
-Saprofit,memperoleh zat organic dari sisa-sisa
organisme mati dan bahan tak hidup.misalnyaGymnophilus
-Parasit, memperoleh zat organic dari organisme
hidup lain.misalnyaUstilago
-Mutual, hidup saling menguntungkan dengan
organisme inangnya.misalnya mikoriza
Apa yang dimaksud dengan organisme heterotrop ?
organisme heterotrop,
yaitu organisme yang cara memperoleh
makanannya dengan mengabsorbsi nutrisi dari lingkungannya atau
tuliskan klasifikasi jamur secara filogenetik.
- Basidiomycota
Sebutkan cara jamur bereproduksi secara
aseksual dan seksual ?
1) Reproduksi aseksual :
-Pembentukan kuncup/tunas pada jamur uniseluler
-Pemutusan benang hifa (fragmentasi miselium) pada jamur
-Pembentukan spora aseksual (spora vegetatif) pada jamur
2) Reproduksi seksual : Pembentukan spora seksual yang
dihasilkan secara singami (penyatuan sel/hifa yang berbeda jenis)
6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan pengertian:
a. konidia
b. lichen
a Konidia adalah
spora aseksual yang terbentuk pada ujung kanidiofor
b Lichen adalah
ganggang yang membentuk lumut kerak
7. Gambar di atas adalah jamur yang
merusan buah apel,sebutkan nama jamur tersebut
Venturia inaequalis
8.sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 jamur
Basisiomycota yang merugikan
v Jamur karat (Puccinia graminis) merupakan parasit pada daun tanaman
pertanian dari famili Gramineae
v Puccinia arachidis, parasit pada tanaman kacang tanah
v Ustilago maydis, parasit pada jagung
9.sebutkan dan jelaskan pengertian
ektomikoriza dan endomikoriza?
- Ektomikoriza adalah jamur yang
melingkupi akar tumbuhan sehingga akar dapat menyerap air dan mineral lebih
- Endomikoriza adalah jamur yang
menginfeksi ke dalam jaringan akar sehingga hifa tidak tampak dari luar
Jamur kuping
(Auricularia polytricha)
Jamur merang
(Volvariella volvacea)
Jamur shitake
(Lentinula edodes)
Jamur kayu (Ganoderma).
The Story Of Cockatoo Being A Symbol Of Soppeng
The Story Of Cockatoo Being A Symbol Of Soppeng
Before the kingdom
of Soppeng has been
declared, there was exist Bulu`e kingdom around X century. The inheritance of
Bulu’e kingdom can be seen at a couple of statue named Latok Sewo and Kajao
Sewo means grandmother and grandfather of Sewo. Government systems have been
formed, its district consist of 60 areas and every area controlled by a Matoa.
The leader of all Matoas is Matoa Bila. They were obeying to the king of Bulu’e
In the beginning of XII century, the king of Bulu’e passed
away and didn’t have any heir. As a consequence, the government activities have
been done by 60 Matoas. This condition created new problem because there was no
representative leader. Moreover there was a long dry season at that time. The
Matoas didn’t find any successor of Petta Bulu’e Matanre Lapabbolong. So they decided
to do Tudang Sipulung or meeting in front of Salassa, it is the name of Soppeng
Matoa Bila : “What we
are going to do?, we are in a big problem because it is dry season now and our
food will be lost”
Matoa 1 : “We have
to look for another successor to change Petta Bulu’e Matanre Lapabbolong.
Beside that, he also can help us to solve this problem so that we will not in
suffer later.”
Matoa 2 : “Yes…I agree
with you. I think it is a good idea to look for another leader because all of
us have responsibility in our shelter.”
When they are
doing Tudang Sipulung, suddenly the sky is cloudy, and in the same time they
saw a couple of cockatoo were fighting to get something. They were stopped when
it fallen down upon Matoa Bila. He took it and pay attention to it because it
was a strange plant.
Matoa Bila : “What is
it, I never seen this plant before? I’m sure that it was sent by God to solve
our problem.
According to
Matoa Bila, the birds were sent by God to give them sign how to solve their
problem. Finally Matoa Bila asked the other Matoas to investigate where the
cockatoos came from. Fortunately his feeling was proven because the cockatoos
send them to meet a handsome Young man. They were surprised because they never
met a man like him. He wore a nice clothes and accessories from gold. They were
convincing that the young man was To Munurung, in Buginess it means a man from
the sky. He lived in Tinco by planting rice. Soon Matoa Bila asked the man that
he would be chosen as the king of Soppeng.
Matoa Bila :
“Who are you son and where are you come from?”
To Manurung :
“Let me introduce my self, my name is Latemmamala and I have been living here
for many years.”
Matoa Bila : “I would
like you to become the king of Soppeng son, and you have to do three
requirements. The first is DONGIRI IKKENG TEMMATIPA, the second is SALIPURI
To Manurung :
“All right sir, I will do all your requirements”
At last, To
Manurung agreed to do all the requirements. Those requirements have meaning as the
first was DONGIRI IKKENG TEMMATIPA means capable to give protection,
supervision, and safety to the people. The second was SALIPURI IKKENG
TEMMADINGIN means capable to provide food and the third was WESSE IKKENG
TEMMAKAPPA means capable to prosper the people. Finally, Matoa Bila established
a kingdom named Soppeng
Kingdom and chose To
Manurung Latemmamala as the King. Since that time, people started plant rice
and it was the beginning of Soppeng prosperity.
From this
story, ABDUL GANI, AE suggested to use the picture of cockatoo as a symbol. The
government agreed to use it, so that the picture of cockatoo which handle a
stem of rice being a symbol of Soppeng Regency until now.
The End
Contoh Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( OMPO )
Contoh Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( OMPO )
This story happened in Soppeng
regency. There was a farmland which lies in the north side of Madello. That
farmland was very big and muddy. That’s why the people named it “Galung Sobo”.
It was Buginess language means sink farmland.
Once upon a time, there was a farmer
who went to plow his farm. He would plant rice in his farmland.“Dear, I’m
going to our farm today. I have to plow it and plant rice soon” the farmer
said.“Ok dear,
be careful and don’t be late at home” his wife reply.
Early in
the morning, he went to plow his farm with his lovely buffalo. He was very
happy because his farm was very fertile.
After along time he was plowing his
farm, he and his buffalo were sinking into his farm unpredictable. Soon the
farmer was lost. His wife and his son have been waiting him for along time
until his families were bored.
“Where is Dad
Mom?” the farmer’s son asked.
“I don’t
know dear. He went to the farm and didn’t back until now. I’m worry about him”
his mother said.
Because the
farmer was lost and disappeared for along time, his family and the society
around Madello tried to look for the farmer and his buffalo. But unfortunately,
there was no sign of them.
Then a
miracle happened.
The people :”
Ammakna, we found your husband. He was near from your farmland”.
Farmer’s wife :”
What??? You said that my husband has been found? Oh my God thank you very
The people :”
But you must be patient Ammakna because your husband has passed away”.
Farmer’s wife :”
Passes away??? NO…Why this should happened to me?
why do you live me alone? What’s wrong with my family God, why you took my
husband so fast?
One day, long time there was no sign
of them, suddenly the corpse of the farmer appeared with his buffalo near his
farmland. Beside that, there was also appeared a spring which very quick and
The people were surprised because the
spring was very pure. After discussed together, the people decided to damp up, excavated,
and made it swimming pools.
Finally the
society named it OMPO because the spring was appeared suddenly. OMPO is taken
from Buginess language that’s mean Appear. Since that time, that place was being
tourism spot until now.
~ The End ~
Dongeng bahasa inggris ALIBABA And The ROBBER
Dongeng bahasa inggris ALIBABA And The ROBBER
Once upon
a time in Persia, lived 2 brothers name Kasim and Alibaba. Both of them are
different because Alibaba was poor and lived on the mountain, instead Kasim was
very rich. Alibaba living was looking for firewood. He sold the firewood in the
market and bought his need with the money. It’s really different with his
brother who was very rich but stingy.
One day when
he returned from looking for firewood, he saw a group of robbers. He hid
himself because he was afraid that he will be killed by them. From his hide
place, he saw the robbers brought
all their treasure into the cave. The head of the robbers scream “Alakazam ! OPEN...”, then the door cave
opened slowly and then he closed the cave door by saying “Alakazam ! CLOSE...”
When the robbers left, Alibaba out from
his place and went in front of the cave. He also screamed as the robber did.
“Alakasam ! OPEN...”, slow down the cave door opened. “WOW, that’s great! I
can’t believe it”. Alibaba was shock to know that there was too much hidden
treasure there. The money and gold were as high as mountain. “I will take this gold
so that I won’t live in poor anymore, beside that I also can help my neighbours
in suffering. Soon Alibaba took as much as money and gold that he could bring
home, but before left the cave he shut the door. “Alakasam ! CLOSE...”
Arriving at home, his wife was surprised
because the money and gold were very much. Then he told his wife about
everything he had done.
“These money were too much...how if we
share it to everyone who are in suffering?”
money and gold they have were very much; so they decided to borrow a scale to
Alibaba’s brother for sharing their treasure. Because Kasim’s wife was a
curious person, she gave a little oil at the bottom of the scale. The next day,
when the scale was returned she saw a little gold shining in it. She soon
called her husband and told what she had seen. Knew it, Kasim went to his brother’s home and
asked him about the hidden treasure. After listened to his brother’s
explanation, he returned to his home and prepared his donkeys. He brought 20
donkeys with him. When he arrived in front of the cave, he scream “Alakasam !
OPEN...” the cave door open slowly and he entered to take as much as money and
gold into his donkeys.
Unfortunately when he would out, he
forgot the formula and couldn’t go. He tried and tried but couldn’t work until
the door was opening; Kasim was happy but when he would out, the robber found
“Hi you, don’t run away. Catch and kill
him” scream the head of the robber
“Please...don’t kill me. I beg you
please let me go” said Kasim
Unfortunately the robber didn’t let him go;
they killed Kasim in the cave. At home, Kasim’s wife was worry waiting for him
because he didn’t return home for one day. Then she asked Alibaba to find her
husband. Alibaba went to the treasure cave to look for his brother. He was
shock when he found his brother has passed away on the ground. When Kasim’s
wife knew that her husband has died, she cried loudly. Before Kasim corpse was
buried, Alibaba asked the medical man to sew his brother injure, and gave the
medical man some gold as the payment.
In the treasure cave, the robber
couldn’t find Kasim corpse. He was very angry because he thought that someone
had known his secret place.
“I believe that someone had come here.
He knows our place now. Let’s find and kill him soon” said the robber
So the robber tried to look for the man
all over the city. Until one day he met a medical man and asked him.
“Do you know a person who was being rich
quickly?” asked the robber
“It’s me sir. I’m being a rich man after
sewed a corpse injures” said the medical man
“What??? A corpse!!! Who asked you do
it? Please bring me to him”
When he knew who had known his secret
place, soon he disguised as an oil trader and came to Alibaba’s house to kill
him. Fortunately there was a young lady named Morijana knew his plan. Soon she
came to Alibaba’s house as a dancer and tried to help Alibaba. She then killed
the guest who was a robber by her little sword. Alibaba and his wife were
surprised but Morijana put off her mask and told what had happened. Then
Alibaba thanked to Morijana.
“Thank you very much for saving our live”
said Alibaba
“Your welcome, sir” reply Morijana
Finally Alibaba shared the robber’s
hidden treasure to everyone who needs it.
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