This heartwarming true story is an american adaptation of
japanese tale about a loyal dog named hachiko.this very special friend would
accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon
to greet him after work.sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never
returns to the station.hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the
station the very next day, and every say for the next nine years to wait for
his beloved master. During his daily visits, hachiko touches the lives how many
who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people
love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of
hachiko sits in his waiting spot out side the shibuya station in japan as a
permanent reminder of his devotion and love. It’s almost like real life story,
one who loves dogs can link up with this movie so badly.
It realy made me think a lot about some heavy words like
love, loyalty,friendship,bonding. As the human, we must faithful to someone whom had been kind to us,
believe us, and love us like own family.